Breath &Bodywork offered by appOintment at WANDERING lOcationS:



Jamie Lynn Strauss is a licensed massage therapist and movement student passionate about sharing practices and self~care modalities discovered while building towards balance.

Spending winters exploring around the mountains of Utah and summers sailing Wisconsin waters, Jamie has learned to live a life of wandering well by making intentional choices to support both the body and mind.

While traveling this ever shifting spiral…

She has found strength in cOnnection opportunities along the way, continuing to create & share moving meditations through cOmmunity offerings, classes, and an always evolving modality offering.

You can find her at lOcal events and markets on the wander or schedule a breath &bodywork session at one of her WANDERING lOcations.


Visit my practice lately… @ MountainMoonHealthandWellenss for more about Jamie & WANDERING lOcations~

“…while discovering the benefits of bodywork and integrating movement & play into daily routines, a pattern was noticed. That awareness inspired action into transformation and thru integration has created many opportunities for connection and balance.” ___XMountainMoonWanderingWellness